Welcome to the online Light Language Workshop
Level 1:
Light Language is an ancient form of communication that is used as a powerful healing tool for the path of ascension and self empowerment. The purpose of Light Language is that it speaks directly to your DNA, activating and recoding your signature energy to allow you to tap into the realm of wisdom, healing and the multidimensional language that is understood by all at soul level.
These are just some of the benefits to using Light Language:
Access and enhance more of your multidimensional Intuition
Energetic Healing and Transformation
Light Codes and DNA Activation
Connect to Higher Self, I AM
Clear Limiting Emotional Blocks and Patterns
Purify your Energetic Bodies
Expand your Awareness and Spiritual Gifts
Initiates the Experience of Higher Dimensional Access and Anchoring
Accelerates Ascension and Your Ability to bring the Light of Your Soul into this body in the dimensional experience
And so much more....
What you'll learn on the workshop:
Understand the process of how Light Language works
Heal blocks and Restrictions to your Multidimensional Frequencies
Guided Meditation and Activation's to Unlock the Power of your Divine Truth and Self Expression
Receive Powerful Healing Activation's to Speak Light Language
Identify and Access all your Signature Languages
Unlocking your Powerful Energetic Connection to Heal and access your Inner Wisdom
How to Integrate Light Language into your Life to Increase Self Confidence, Abundance, and more
Join Lisa on this powerful online workshop
Date: Sunday 19th May 2024
Time: 10am to 16.00hrs (UK time)
Investment: £122.00